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How do I make a complaint?

We are committed to providing our customers with a high-level of service. Whether you are making a suggestion or a complaint, your feedback is always appreciated.

For Growthpoint (ASX:GOZ) Securityholders

If you would like to make a suggestion or a complaint about a financial product or financial service offered by Growthpoint Properties Australia Limited, a non-investment related complaint or make a privacy complaint, please contact us by phone, by writing to our registered address or by email.

Compliance team, Growthpoint Properties Australia
+61(3) 8681 2900
Level 18/101 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia

Your complaint will be promptly acknowledged to reassure you that your complaint has been received and will be looked into. We will try to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible and will ensure that your complaint is investigated objectively and free from bias in accordance with Growthpoint’s complaints handling policy.

If you wish to raise a query or complaint relating to your investment in Growthpoint Properties Australia, please contact Growthpoint’s registry, Computershare. Computershare is the main point of contact for Securityholders to make queries or complaints in respect of their securityholdings.

Computershare’s contact details are:
Phone (within Australia): 1300 665 792
Phone (outside Australia): +61(3) 9415 4366
Mail: Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited, GPO Box 2975, Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia

Growthpoint is also a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) (membership no. 12634), an external dispute resolution scheme to handle complaints from consumers in the financial system.

If your complaint relates to a financial product or service and has not been resolved within 30 days, or you are not satisfied with the complaints handling process, you may escalate your complaint with AFCA.

You can contact AFCA via email, telephone phone, post or online: 
Telephone: 1800 931 678 (free call within Australia). Calls from an international number add +61
Post: AFCA, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001 

For Funds Management Unitholders

If you would like to make a suggestion or a complaint about a financial product or financial service offered by Growthpoint, a non-investment related complaint or make a privacy complaint, please contact us by phone, by writing to our registered address or by email.

Investor Relations - Funds, Growthpoint Properties Australia
+61(2) 9236 4700
Level 4, 88 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

If you wish to raise a query or complaint relating to your investment in any of our wholesale funds, please contact Growthpoint’s wholesale investor registry, BoardRoom. BoardRoom is the main point of contact for funds investors to make queries or complaints in respect of their investments.

BoardRoom's contact details are:
Phone (within Australia): 1300 737 760
Phone (outside Australia): +61(2) 9290 9600

To find out more about our complaints handling procedures, please refer to our Complaints Handling Policy which is also available in hard copy on request.